FAQ’s – 100 Million Acres Skip to content


Learn more about the 100 Million Acres Movement

Frequently Asked Questions

With a $1 trillion Total Area Market (TAM) for food products, the United States arguably represents the largest westernized food production system in the world. According to social scientists, modern society will adopt a practice as ubiquitous once it begins to trend above 10% adoption. 100 million acres is just over 10% of total US agricultural land (which is around 900 million acres, give or take). Moving 100 Million Acres into regenerative agriculture would likely be the needed fulcrum to transition the rest of the US (and possibly the world) to soil-health-based food production.

It’s an idea that’s been batted around the regenerative agriculture movement for a while and probably many people had the vision at once.

Yes, Common Ground is a movie – but it is also a movement. The film shows what is happening with our food system today and shows the benefits to farmers and ranchers who are making the shift to regenerative agriculture. As part of the film, Big Picture Ranch (BPR), which is headed by filmmakers Josh and Rebecca Tickell, has an impact campaign that makes the movie available free to schools and measures the impact of the film. BPR organizes everything around the film from community screenings, to workbooks, to courses, to information web sites, to our “Film on the Farm” series – all the way to the coalition of partners who are committing to the big, audacious goal of transitioning 100 Million Acres of our land to regenerative agriculture.

No. The companies listed do not pay to be listed. They are listed once they make the pledge to transition at least 10% of their supply chain to regenerative agriculture by 2025. We vet them and ensure their commitment is valid with the
certifiers, but 100 Million Acres is not a “pay to play” initiative and it is agnostic to the nature or type of companies that pledge. transitioning 100 Million Acres of our
land to regenerative agriculture.

Our job is to interface with the certification entities (Land to Market, Regenerative Organic Alliance and Regenified) and to understand what their land tallies are. The certification entities each have a reporting system for the farms
and ranches in their framework. The total US acres from all three certification entitles is the number we reference in the 100 Million Acres “meter” on this website. 

As long as the pledge is validated by a certification entity, we will list any company. Common Ground shows that we all depend on healthy soil and we all need to learn to take care of Planet Earth. In essence, we are promoting change. We believe all individuals, organizations and companies have the capacity to change.

At this point we are focused on domestic supply of agricultural products. If you make 50% of your product from recycled plastic and 50% from domestic agricultural products (cotton or wool), you can pledge that 10% of your domestic agricultural supply chain will be certified regenerative by 2025 and qualify.

We are starting a separate tally for companies that pledge to transition their non-domestic supply chains and a separate pledge partner listing for overseas companies, but their pledges will not affect the domestic 100 Million Acres “meter.”

After 10 years of intensive research by a team of over 100 scientists, journalists and farmers, the team behind the Kiss the Ground and Common Ground films vetted the existing regenerative certifiers and aligned on three verification systems which uphold a high standard of rigor around soil health. Each of these three standards leads the farmer or rancher along a pathway with measurements, metrics, and planning. They address both practices and outcomes. There is no financial transaction between the certifiers and 10 Million Acres. We are open to other certifiers joining, but they would undergo a rigorous process of vetting by a very large and growing team of scientists, farmers, ranchers, journalists, and regenerative advocates.

Yes. Forests, trees and perennials are critical parts of agriculture and can be certified. We look forward to seeing forestry-based companies make the pledge.

We don’t count an individual company’s acres. That is the job of the certification entities. Our total is the combined sum of each of the certification entitles’ US acres. Thus, the number in our “meter” is the most up to date info from all three certification entities combined.

We will evaluate where the movement missed opportunities for progress, we will look at what worked and what didn’t work, we will create a new plan, we will re-double our efforts, and we will move forward with passion and vigor. One thing is for certain, we must, as a species quickly embrace a means to both increase soil vitality and increase caloric production while stabilizing the ecosystems of our planet. Doing this more slowly only means more suffering. It’s in humanity’s most fundamental self-interest to move toward regeneration as quickly as possible.

Once 100 million acres are in certified regenerative agriculture in the US, it will be time to increase the US goal and to use the model of what was achieved in the US for the global transition toward regenerative agriculture. Time is short, so the movement must grow and with that growth will come new knowledge. We believe the 100 Million Acres Initiative will be a multi-year project that will expand and grow as new learnings are incorporated, as the planet we live on changes and as humanity awakens to the need for soil-health-based agriculture.